Abolition May is a Turtle Island (aka North America)-wide coalition organized around action during May 2021 to demand the abolition of pigs (aka police) from campuses and from Earth. Days of action include May 3 - a day of refusal, and regional and local days of action, culminating on May 25 in a commemoration of the anniversary of George Floyd's death. UCSD Day of Action on May 19!
Anniversary of Murder of George Floyd
May 24 Vigil
6PM Doyle Community Park
Commemoration event to mark the one year anniversary of George Floyd's murder, acknowledge victims of police brutality, and
honor brave witnesses. The event will have music, art and some speakers who will discuss transformative justice.
Doyle Community Park is at 8175 Regents Road, close to campus.
May 19 UCSD Day of Action:
Abolition Square 10AM-430PM Ridgewalk/Social Sciences - A day of free food, books, arts and talks about abolition | Join us in building communities of care on campus
Stories in the Data: Critically Analyzing Police Reports (Online/In-Person Workshop) 130-250PM Abolition Square/Social Sciences Building Courtyard||zoom
Images from Abolition Square below via ucsd_ftp twitter (twitter link)
May 3 UCSD Day of Refusal:
NOON at the Audrey Geisel University House
(images at right link to twitter)
May 3 Virtual Sit-In at the UCSD Police web site - until midnight on May 3. participate here.
Cops off Campus Coalition May 3 Video Compilation
Abolition May Calendar (from the Abolition May web site)
For more information, stay tuned to this web site, to the UCSD FTP Coalition's twitter feed (twitter link) and to the Abolition May web site.