May 24 Vigil

Commemoration event to mark the one year anniversary of George Floyd's murder, acknowledge victims of police brutality, and honor brave witnesses. The event will have music, art and some speakers who will discuss transformative justice. It will start at 6 pm tonight at Doyle Community Park, which is close to campus.

.Reverement day May 24th @ 6 PM. 
-Transformative justice practices
-Cops Watch
-families of currently incarcerated folx speak&nbsp

location/time: Doyle Community Park @ 6 PM

Graphic Credit: Alec Dunn. Alec is a printer and illustrator living in Portland, OR. He is a nurse who works in critical care and harm reduction. He co-edits Signal: A Journal of International Political Graphics & Culture along with Josh MacPhee. Ig:

Disclaimer:  original graphic was modified for UCSD use.
