May 3 UCSD Day of Refusal

  • Goal of Protest: Demand all policing/police/state aggression off our campus. We are saying the names of Daunte Wright, Ma’Khia Bryant, Adam Toledo, Breonna Taylor, and speaking on how carceral systems are the cause of sustained settler violence. Accountability for George Floyd. #JusticeForAll 

  • Type of protest: Militant//Peaceful//Healing//de-escalation if necessary

  • PLEASE WALK TO Audrey Geisel University House--the street is for protestors (less cars=more people in solidarity)

  • Credit: Hoofprint Design & Nicole Marroquin

--“The photograph is from Nicole’s research into Chicago student organizing, and from the aftermath of the 1973 Froebel Student Uprising. The cops in Chicago still wear the same helmets, making the image feel timeless, which is unacceptable! You can reach Nicole via Instagram @nmarroq. Disclaimer: original graphic was modified to be UCSD-specific.” 
