Critical Gender Studies, in collaboration with the Digital Gym, is excited to kick off winter quarter with another "Materializing Abolition: Queer and Feminist Strategies" event! On January 21 at 6 pm we will be joined by Prof. Eric Stanley and Krys Shelley, both active in queer liberation and anti-prison struggles. This month's conversation centers on "Prison as Gendering Technology; Queer as Abolitionist Tactic." We will explore ways in which systems of policing and incarceration are produced by, and forcibly produce, heteronormative gender binaries, and how queer activism sheds light on how we can mobilize a politics of care. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thursday, January 21 at 600PM PST
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Meeting ID: 956 1846 5511
Flyers: January 21 || Winter Quarter